The Fearless Way

A Memoir by Susan Sattler
Illustrations and design by Gary Newman

The Fearless Way 3D

The Fearless Way: Mudras, Mantras and Chemo – How Learning to Let Go Helped Save My Life blazes a trail for those seeking to fearlessly embrace, and even find joy in a world in which the unexpected happens, impermanence rules, and things we thought would last forever, inevitably don’t. Susan Sattler’s memoir (which includes instructions and illustrations of practical, daily exercises) helps anyone faced with loss explore how to let go of the old and allow something new to arise – the dance of transformation.

In this captivating memoir, Susan courageously shares her journey of transformation from the infusion room of the Cancer Center at Stanford University to the meditation caves in Wu Tai Mountain in northern China.

When she was diagnosed with aggressive non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, Susan synchronistically met Yuan Miao, a Chinese/Tibetan enlightened woman, who had recently come alone to the West. She became Susan’s teacher and friend, and shared with her the esoteric practices and wisdom of her ancient lineage, passed down to her by her Tibetan grandmother. In The Fearless Way, Susan reveals how she wove these secrets into her own Western spiritual lineages, her training as a psychotherapist, and her background as a daughter of a Western medical doctor. Along the way, she learned the importance of healing not only body, but also  mind and spirit, and of confronting the reality that we can’t control everything that happens.

Foreword by Dwight McKee, MD
Foreword by Yuan Miao

312 pages, Phoenix Century Press, October 2012